Thursday 15 October 2015

Leave My Words

I am exhausted all the time. I barely have the capacity to type. That is why this will be short. I'll try to explain: After a long break from writing I've returned to the keyboard desperate to put down something that meets my standards. But the concentration in itself is totally shot. Then you add in the inability to remember words (sometimes little ones, sometimes big ones), the constant mistyping, and the abrupt end to my normal habit of having some soft acoustic music on to inspire me (turns out the music renders concentration impossible & makes my headache go from awful to unbearable). I think where I was going with that jumbled mess, was that all these things have combined to create my inner writer's worst enemy. I read somewhere that if you can't write then read. And I have been reading plenty. When I can't seem to find the words, someone else says it so much better. Fatigue has invaded virtually every aspect of my life. And now my words. Please. It can take everything. But please not my words. They're as much a part of me as my physical body.

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