Sunday, 21 September 2014

Fighting the Fear

Fear is designed to protect us. It is an instinct that warns us of danger and sends our bodies into fight or flight mode. In many ways fear is a totally essential part of life because it can help us escape potentially harmful situations. However, since most of us don't spend our lives in fight/flight situations this fear can become irrational and controlling. It paralyses, it controls and instead of helping us to survive it ends up destroying us. The reason I am compelled to write about this is that it has been preying on myself and a lot of the people I care about. After all, it's September, the time for new places and new beginnings. This "new" also feels like a step into the unknown, which often leaves us feeling vulnerable and so our defence mechanism kicks in:we start to prepare for fight/flight. Honestly, in my case it is nearly always the latter I find myself preparing for. But I am tired of it. I am tired of running from the dark and being scared of the unknown, I say FIGHT. Fight that instinct down and push forwards into the new, into the unexplored. Some of the best moments in my life only happened because I forced myself into the unknown. It is this I try to remind myself of when the fear and instinct to run overwhelms me. Furthermore, fear can be extremely destructive. It is exhausting and it steals everything. So when I say I am tired of being scared I mean it. I was losing sleep, losing joy and losing opportunities because instead of success all I forecast is a myriad of catastrophes. Yes, things have gone wrong, and probably will never be 100% perfect all the time, but when life is good, it is amazing. There are so many amazing times just waiting to be had, people to meet but they are all the other side of fear. So take out those boxing gloves, put on a brave face and own it. I know you can. Life comes with risks, but without taking them you won't know success: and oh my dear how you deserve to succeed.

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